Unitas is a client focused consultancy and application development company that creates smart software applications to allow businesses to connect their people, automate processes, measure results, manage workflows and comply with internal and external standards. Our clients are from Europe and North America with over 3000 users accessing the system daily

World leading Poultry Companies

Working closely with world leading companies in the Poultry industry, the Unitas team designed and developed Unitas Poultry Manager, a dedicated solution for the poultry and egg industry

The Unitas team delivers solutions directly with our clients, building up relationships to provide added value and trust to achieve better results.

Mobile, Cloud and IoT platform

Unitas Poultry Manager takes poultry software to the next level by providing a unique cloud based solution. This allows everyone in the Agri supply chain to be connected from vets, farms and hatchery, right through to intake planning. It’s a cliché but “what gets measured gets done” and Poultry Manager now lets everyone measure and view results easily.

Research & Development

We continue to invest in R&D, providing new functionality to increase efficiencies for our clients to give them a competitive advantage through our cloud platform.

Machine Learning

We have developed forecasting models using unique Machine Learning techniques to provide accurate forecasting for increased business performance.

IoT - Internet of Things

Building on our existing framework and platform we have now integrated our solutions with real time data from the field to increase the ability to make timely decisions.


Our approach to the implementation is not purely a technical one. We look to actively understand your key business requirements, translate these to operational processes and then implement the innovative solutions to support these processes. We believe our success stems from our ability to provide strategic applications with first class client support and the versatility to adapt and evolve quickly to match client needs.